Amazon basically guaranteed that I'll never buy a Kindle last night by bending to the wishes of a publisher and deleting every single legitimately-purchased copy of 1984 and Animal Farm from all Kindles remotely. Ridiculous.
Apparently, the publisher changed its mind about having electronic versions of Orwell's books. So Amazon removed them from the store and in the process remotely deleted the books from the Kindles of anyone who bought them, depositing a refund in their account in the process.
Quite ironic...
Turns out that the books were being sold unlicensed. So, in fact, Amazon did the right thing here. Darn bloggers and their rumors. ;)
Posted by: David Jacobs | 07/17/2009 at 05:20 PM
Sorry but I still want a Kindle!
Posted by: Stef | 07/20/2009 at 03:26 PM